Kelsey, our longest running clinic supervisor has the unique distinction of having been the clinic supervisor of both our Southborough and Franklin locations! In fact, I’m pretty sure she has called “dibs” on being the supervisor of the next location we open. Smart, hardworking, reliable, compassionate, are just a few words she uses to describe me. Ha, just kidding, that’s how we describe her. To say we feel fortunate to have her at Zebra Speech would be an understatement.
As you can imagine, speech therapy is kind of her thing. Her passion for speech therapy may best be demonstrated with her daughters who were the “benefactors” of her unyielding love for treating. I think they both may have been talking in full sentences at 1 month old… at least that’s the folklore we hear around the water cooler.
Kelsey can often be found geeking out with Dr. Gillis late at night in the Franklin office discussing obscure speech sound diagnoses or brainstorming new treatment ideas and strategies. Sounds fun, right? If I had to guess, I’d bet they also reminisce about their time on Long Island, where Dr. Gillis grew up and Kelsey worked in research while earning her bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
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